martes, 27 de mayo de 2008

Education in Argentina


The education is divided in four levels. First it includes/understands degrees first a sixth and Primary Education or EPB is called Basic. The EPB is divided in two called stages cycles:

EPB I: First, Second and Third scholastic year EPB II: Quarter, Fifth and Sixth scholastic year

The following level is Basic the Secondary Education or ESB that includes/understands the scholastic years Seventh, Eighth and Ninth. Once finalized the ESB, the students they complete the period of obligatory education and can choose to begin the Superior Secondary Education or, the one that lasts three years.

The fourth level is the superior or university education.

Levels of the Argentine educative system

Initial education, constituted by the Kindergarten for children of 3 to 5 years of age, in which the last year is obligatory. The logistics facility of maternal garden for smaller children of 3 years is anticipated.

General, obligatory basic education, of 9 years of duration as of the 6 years of age, understood like an integral and organized pedagogical unit in cycles. Primary Education is seen; Secondary education. Polimodal education, after the fulfillment of the basic general education, distributed by specific institutions and of 3 years of duration like minimum.

Superior average Education is seen. Superior, professional and academic education of degree; its duration will be determined by the university institutions and according to it corresponds.

Superior Education is seen. The special levels, cycles and regimes that integrate the structure of the educative system must articulate in order to deepen the objectives, to facilitate the continuity and to assure horizontal and vertical mobility students.

Special education:

Offer, oriented individualized and integrating a information to the integral development of the person and to a labor qualification that allows to its incorporation to the world of the work and the production him.

In the centers in which special education is distributed, the scholastic organization is common to the different classes from problems. The students integrate themselves by scholastic sections according to the maturation level, and those that present/display a phase angle in their rate of learning can receive individual classes of leveling. In addition, classes of music, physical education, recreation, dances, workings and the specialties of scholastic support occur: vocal, physical activities, psychology of the education.

The schools of labor qualification receive sick and young people, offering the opportunity them to specialize in factories. Also, and in agreement with their capacities, minimum contents of some subjets are distributed to them indispensable.

William Mendoza

The night life in Argentina

Is really spectacular, since the sun is put the cities acquire colorful a special one that continue all the night. Bars will welcome to him with the open arms. The only reason for which the Argentineans do not remain until very late during the night is that they must work on the following day, despite is the siesta to recover energies.

The cultural supply and of nocturnal leisure ample and is varied in Argentina to be able to enjoy in this country of South America. The Argentine night is very well-known, in cities like Buenos Aires are hundreds the possibilities that it has to spend the night, as well as in the rest of great Argentine cities, bars, restaurants, pubs, it is an impressive supply. The residential zones are calmer, but also they have bars or discs where to take something to any hour.

William Mendoza

William Mendoza

I study medicine for that this career has the vocational profile that I like to develop for a lifetime professional. I am also studying in the ability of medicine of the University of the Sabana and I am studying 4 semesters in which I am seeing the basic sciences as pathology and microbiology.

This profession has many good things but he/she also has disadvantages. The advantages are that one can help people that this sick person of health and to cure them or to take care of them until their recovery, the doctors are also people that he/she has a great culture and knowledge but the disadvantages are very clear for that wears out many years studying to be I prescribe and a lot but time to be specialist.

In conclusion this career is of sacrifice it stops a lifetime for that it spends a lot of time studying but it is also very good for that helps people that has problems of health.

James Dewey Watson

It is born in Chicago the 6 of April of 1928. Biologist and American, famous zoologist for being one of the discoverers of the structure of the DNA molecule, that was worth the recognition to him of the scientific community being awarded with the Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Watson, taking as Maurice bases the works made in laboratory by the British biophysicists Wilkins and Francis Crick, discover the structure in double helix of the molecule of ADN. The investigations provided the average ones to include/understand how the hereditary information is copied. Like recognition to their works on the molecule of the DNA, Watson, Crick and Wilkins shared in 1962 the Nobel prize de Physiology or Medicine. In 1968 he was director of the Laboratory of Quantitative Biology of Cold Spring Harbor, New York. It wrote The Double Helix (the double helix, 1968), history of the discovery of the structure of the DNA. Genome in the National Institutes of the Health participated in the Human project.

At the same time, he was experimentally investigating the structure of TMV, using X-ray diffraction techniques. His object was to see if its chemical sub-units, earlier revealed by the elegant experiments of Schramm, were helically arranged. This objective was achieved in late June 1952, when use of the Cavendish's newly constructed rotating anode X-ray tubes allowed an unambiguous demonstration of the helical construction of the virus.

From 1953 to 1955, Watson was at the California Institute of Technology as Senior Research Fellow in Biology. There he collaborated with Alexander Rich in X-ray diffraction studies of RNA. In 1955-1956 he was back in the Cavendish, again working with Crick. During this visit they published several papers on the general principles of virus construction.

Since the fall of 1956, he has been a member of the Harvard Biology Department, first as Assistant Professor, then in 1958 as an Associate Professor, and as Professor since 1961. During this interval, his major research interest has been the role of RNA in protein synthesis. Among his collaborators during this period were the Swiss biochemist Alfred Tissières and the French biochemist François Gros. Much experimental evidence supporting the messenger RNA concept was accumulated.

William Mendoza

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BaSIk 1 dijo...

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